Why is Having a Mentor 2–3 years Ahead of You Better than Having a Mentor 10 Years Ahead of You?

2 min readSep 30, 2022


Mentorship is a new way of life in the 21st century. Unlike decades ago, mentorship programs have become an integral part of our society due to their ability to improve mental status and impart positive values. As the world becomes more digital, people are getting more preoccupied with education and careers. This means that even when these people are working, they still need mentors to teach them the importance of evaluating things before making the final decision.

Mentors also play key roles in personal development, achieving career goals, and even feeling confident about a situation. But again, what makes an excellent mentor? Mentor who is at very high level from you? OR Mentor who is few steps ahead of you? which one is better?

To help you have an idea, let’s use an example here. Imagine you just have idea in your mind to start a business, Do you need a mentor whose business just have been started and earning some revenue or Do you need a mentor who is very successful business man?

What do you think? Will a very successful business man will understand your situation?

Are situations same when you are thinking of starting a business and when that successful business man started a business?

Neither situations are same nor resources are same so he can’t help you any way. He just can give you some valuable advice.

Time changes and the technology we have today didn’t exist 10 years ago. If this is the case, how well can a mentor 10 years ahead of you offer a credible mentorship? A person few steps ahead of you may guide you, can offer a helping hand and lift you up.

According to statistics, 97% of all people who receive mentorship claim that mentorship programs are highly valuable. However, this mentorship is not accessible to everyone, and this makes it even more difficult for beginners to find excellent mentors. According to the report given by Forbes Magazine, 76% of people say mentorship is good, but only 37% have one. Most of the people interviewed argue that it’s difficult to find a mentor 2–3 years ahead of them and therefore, they don’t see the need to have mentors who are many years ahead of them.

Having mentors who are a few years ahead of us is way much better because they are usually up to date and trusting them is much easier. This, in return, creates strong bonds that result in positive expected outcomes. Would you like to get a mentor who is 2–3 years ahead of you? If yes, please visit here:https://menthub.com/




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